Friday, August 8, 2008

Taking the Express. Got the Munchies?

<-- James Franco at the premiere of Pineapple Express on Tuesday.

The big movie news today is that James Franco is hiking up his pants and trying once again to be a big star. Headlining Pineapple Express (trailer) with Seth Rogen might do the trick if early ecstatic reviews are honestly come by and not being typed within swirling puffing cannabis clouds.

JAMD has a bunch of photos from the star-studded premiere which I found amusing. Looking at photos of the stars who attended the NYC premiere I'm instantly judging their experiences with the mowie wowie and occassionally wishing that Mary Louise Parker and the cast of Weeds had all attended in character --love my entertaiment all mashedup and incongruously mingling as you know.

Not a potsmoker myself but I did inhale once ...okay, twice. And the second time I had the whole endless giggling, "shut up, I'm not high", munchy craving experience. And you?

But more importantly: Alicia Silverstone? Daniel Craig? Emile Hirsch?

How often does Clueless Alicia roll one?
Are James Bond's sunglasses covering tell-tale glassy eyes?
And Emile Hirsch... what munchies is he craving right this very second?

Your guesswork in the comments please.