Friday, August 15, 2008

Same Old Story

Jonathan here again. So, they're aging Kate Winslet for The Reader, huh? Well looking back through the history of actors in age make-up one thing's clear; Kate's not going to look like this (to the left) when she gets older.

Remember Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean in Giant? They were all young and beautiful so what happened when it came time to age them? They got a can of grey spray paint and sprayed their hair. My favorite part was Dean. Not only did he set a trend decades before its time in the movie by having a pompadour in the twenties but when he gets older it's still there, as full as ever only it's grey and shiny.

With Ash Wednesday they did a much better job with Taylor and in Citizen Kane Orson Welles had some fantastic make-up applied. But is that how they looked when they really did get older? With Taylor it's a close call. With Welles it's a total miss. And Winslet? I'm betting she looks a lot better than her character does when she reaches that age.