Monday, October 20, 2008

The Battle For War Machine

JA from MNPP here, curious what my fellow TFE readers think about the recasting of Terrence Howard as Rhodes (who's probably set to become War Machine at some point in the sequel-ized future) in Iron Man by one Don Cheadle.

I come at this from a slightly different perspective than the general consensus I think, since I wasn't much of a fan of Iron Man at all. Which is weird because I'm always clamoring for less serious-mindedness when it comes to comic book adaptations, but then this one came along with boozer/user antihero Tony Stark and it didn't sit right with me. Chalk it up to an occasional distaste for RDJ - I liked him in Tropic Thunder, but found him to be, well, kind of boring here - as well as a really vivid, I-still-feel-it-in-my-gut hatred of the movie's lame-ass climax, which was... lame. Really really lame. Like, on a scale from Treat Williams in The Phantom to Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, Jeff Bridges makes Nick Nolte looks like Alfred Molina! (A cookie to anyone that follows the gist of that sentiment.)

All that's besides the point here though, since we're talking Terrence Howard... whom I barely remember in the flick. Which I'm taking as a good thing, since I normally hate Howard in everything, and since I don't feel anything regarding his performance in the film it must mean he gave an alright, less mannered than usual performance. Right? Course then went on to express the insane notion that everyone was holding their breath for the favorite superhero ever War Machine to show up... humility, thy name is not Terrence Howard.

But I love me some Don Cheadle. Buck Swope, y'all! (Look at him porning it up in that picture over there! I never knew he had that in him.)

So the place I stand with regards to this news is an ambiguous one. It does sound like The Powers That Be treated Howard kinda unfairly if he's to be believed. But on the other hand, Don Cheadle! I just don't know. What about y'all?

And on a seperate but related note, doesn't it suck that we've got two black actors in one superhero-movie role while it's otherwise basically a total wash with respect to minorities in these movies?