Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Best Post? A Sisyphian Riddle

When I first heard of He Shot Cyrus's "My Best Post" blog-a-thon (day 3 / day 2 / day 1) I thought 'what an ingenious idea!' That complimentary attitude quickly soured. I no longer pictured him (we've never met) as a saintly shepherd of unheralded writers. I replaced the kindly image with a cackling horned sadist, gleefully punishing the prolific and whipping the self-satisfied.

Much wailing and gnashing of teeth (perhaps in wood engravings?) would ensue. The only people that would find that "best post" choice easy would be new and humble writers! I am neither. Recently, I started collecting Best ofs at the end of each month (you can access old articles from the handy drop down menu on the side). It isn't for bragging purposes. It's more that I suck at organization and I thought it might be a good way to catch lagging readers up, catalogue things I could use for portfolio freelance purposes, or rework for "Best of" collections that I ridiculously fantasize I will one day create, illustrate and then hawk on The Today Show, The Daily Show and David Letterman to the unsuspecting masses who had never before considered what 19 years of thinking about Michelle Pfeiffer every day might do to a man.

I would sell hundreds of millions of copies (naturally!) and buy a spacious loft on the Upper West Side which I would quickly fill with clutter, kitty cats and various mooching houseguests and best friends until space was so limited that I would have to create another mammoth best seller so as to purchase a second loft that I might use expressly for dinner parties and screenings. My newfound fame fortune and social status would lure Kathleen Turner, Pedro Almodovar, Anne Hathaway, Marisa Tomei, Viggo Mortensen, Marni Nixon and other luminaries I like to obsess over for fascinating conversation and themed screenings ... maybe slumber parties (in which case Note to Self: invite Jake & Jude). I would quickly be invited to join the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, becoming the only person ever so invited who has never worked on a movie in his entire life. Dream big, right?

During all of this fabulousity I'd be jotting down notes and planning more blog pieces because UNFORTUNATELY I cannot stop. It's a sickness.

My Best Post Recent Posts I Enjoyed Creating
Personal Canon I'm really proud of all of these but they take a long time to write.
Barbara's Revenge (I like the monologue series)
Manni Peddis with Marcia Gay Harden
27 Dresses (photoshop addict, that's me)
Meryl Streep in A Prairie Home Companion
-this one is special to me.

Kissing Jake Gyllenhaal
"Let Me Tell You Something About Lindsay Lohan"
Clara Bow and the Essence of Stardom
20:07 the series

Old Favorites...
12 Best of 2006
12 Best of 2005