Friday, October 10, 2008

From Zanessa To Phillen: An Oscar Journey

JA from MNPP here, with a slightly (<-- understatement) random admission today. I had a dream last night (no, not that one) in which I was responsible for recasting the High School Musical series with recent Oscar winners now that it's graduating to the big screen. HSM original stars Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens...

... became Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Dame Helen Mirren. Decidedly less appealing to the tweens, sure, but ooh they'd bring the gold the Disney executives of my dream thirsted for.

Anyway, I don't know enough about the High School Musical series to continue any further on my own, so I am asking y'all - whom I'm assuming all have "Zanessa" posters hanging over your beds, natch - to continue. Who else should be in this bold pretend reimagining? And who should direct? I'm thinking Lars Von Trier, personally. And High School Musical as a title just won't work as Serious-minded. We'll need something more uplifting... more adult... more triumph-of-the-human-spirit-ish... The Songs of Our Education? Vocal Lessons? I, Music?

(this post has been brought to you by my addled brain hopped up on so much cold medicine that I can't see straight, much less type coherent thoughts)