Thursday, October 16, 2008

DVD Contest: Kiss of the Spider Woman Unearthed

Whenever a landmark film resurfaces for home viewing, it's cause for rejoicing. Kiss of the Spider Woman, a surprise Best Picture contender way back in 1985 long before indies dominated the Oscar race, is finally getting the deluxe treatment. A 2 Disc Collector's Edition comes out next Tuesday and I have 4 copies to give away, one for each of its historic Oscar nominations.

Kiss of the Spider Woman, 4 time Oscar nominee

For those of you who haven't seen it: Trust me, you want to. The film, set in a prison in an unspecified Latin American country, throws a homosexual film buff into a cell with a political prisoner and the polar opposites engage in an odd, compelling and terrific acting duet. The movie raised Brazilian auteur Hector Babenco's profile, won William Hurt the Best Actor Oscar at the peak of his winning 80s streak, gifted Sonia Braga (all kinds of memorable as the actress that Hurt's character obsessively swoons over) with international fame and gave Raul Julia his best screen role.

To enter --please note: you must be 17 to enter this contest --e-mail me by Sunday October 19th with the following 4 pieces of information:
  1. SPIDER WOMAN in the title line.
  2. Your full name (and nickname if you want to go by something else if you win)
  3. Your address (in case you win)
  4. And a sentence or two on which actress and performance you would repeatedly obsess over / talk about with your cellmate if you were ever thrown into prison with no contact to the outside world and no more new movies to enjoy. Don't pretend you don't know which actress that would be.
Extra points if you doll yourself up with a towel and robe like Hurt here whilst typing #4. Quadruple bonus points if you send a photo of same for publication. I kid (or do I?). Winners will be drawn randomly and announced next week.