Friday, October 31, 2008

The Coolest Thing Samuel L Jackson Has Done Since Pulp Fiction

"It wasn't that long ago that discrimination was legal in California..."

Samuel L Jackson telling it like it is.

Far scarier than any ghost, goblin, vampire, or beasty tonight on Halloween is the knowledge that it's the last few hours to donate to the campaign to defeat Prop 8 in California. While some notable Hollywood A listers (Brad Pitt, Ellen DeGeneres, Steven Spielberg, etc... and now Mr. Jackson here) with lots of moolah have donated their names, voices and/or cash to stop this injustice from passing, they haven't raised nearly as much money as various "Christian" churches have --I use quotes because modern Christianity seems to have almost no recognizable connection to its namesake these days. The Mormons are the most despicable and the best fundraisers on the 'Yes on 8' front. As a former Mormon, I would find it very amusing in its boldface underlined hypocrisy --Mormon doctrine is decidedly NOT "one man/one woman" traditional no matter how frequently or how smoothly they lie about it -- if the stakes weren't so high for the future and if it weren't so depressing for the soul. I'm not really comfortable with my country, let alone my tax dollars, being used to prop up discrimination of my fellow citizens. I hope the majority of California voters aren't either.