Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Milk Premieres Tonight in San Francisco

There's an interesting piece over at The Hollywood Reporter on Focus Features promotional tactics on Milk. They differ somewhat from the Brokeback approach. Of course if you know me you know I gotta take issue with this one little aside
...may drive voters to cast a ballot for Penn (a lock for an Oscar nom) or best picture.

The bold is my addition. So, explain to me again how Sean Penn is a "lock" before the film has screened, opened, been reviewed, encountered box office, or been discussed by the media, audiences and industry voters ... all while there are at least 8 or 9 strong candidates for those 5 Best Actor spots and Penn is only one of three playing famous politicians!

I am splitting hairs here, true. I too believe he'll be nominated. But it's not written in stone. Not with Eastwood trying to win his first acting Oscar, Rourke & Jenkins and who knows who else battling it out for potential critics prizes, Langella & Brolin also appealing to Oscar's love of famous people playing other famous people and three huge celebrities (DiCaprio, Pitt and Jackman) headlining expensive, luscious looking Oscar-Bait.

More Milk
SF Gate a streetcar dedicated to Harvey Milk
The Castro's screening calendar
Harvey Milk info and tributes
Emile Hirsch Web is planning to deluge you with photos
The Times of Harvey Milk Put this Oscar winner on your queue. It's one of the most moving documentaries you'll ever see.

Psssst. If you have tickets to tonight's SF premiere and you're a film experience fan, please consider e-mailing me on the other coast with notes or photos from your experience so we can enjoy them right here.