Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Best Actress Questions. Got Answers?

In my Oscar prediction revamps, you'll immediately notice that I don't think any Best Actress contenders should be fitted for dresses just yet --unless they're planning their GOLDEN GLOBE night (where most of them will be invited). That's because any combo of this top eight still seems plausible. Why? Well, half of the films have yet to face their fates with critics & audiences and all of them still await approval from the precursor organizations that influence Oscar so regularly -- particularly if they copy each other's choices. In most cases all of the top contenders still "look good on paper". But we learn each year that "buzz" doesn't always translate to reality.

  • Is Streep's Doubt role the slam dunk it's always seemed in advance?
  • Can Hathaway, Scott-Thomas and Hawkins all ride rave October reviews into January?
  • Will Winslet's double December dipping (The Reader and Revolutionary Road) live up to the hype or prove doubly disappointing?
  • Can Angelina Jolie make up for last year's Mighty snub with the boost of all those tearful Oscar clips from Changeling?
  • If Australia is great, isn't it time for Nicole Kidman to be celebrated again?
  • <--- Who will work the campaign trail as tirelessly as Marion Cotillard did last year?
  • How did the studios not notice that both of last year's Actress front runners were released early in the year? Why were the releases all held until October or later?
  • What's with the waiting game or shaky release plans for Skin and Nothing but the Truth?
  • Who will the critics organization rally behind?
  • Which contenders will be made / broken by box office results?
  • If Meryl & Kate end up frontrunners which will AMPAS voters feel most obligated to award: Streep for the first time in over a quarter-century or Winslet for the first time period?
The answers won't be arriving any time soon... unless you can see the future in the comments.