Friday, January 23, 2009

Actress Psychic: Gold, Silver and Bronze Winners

This Actress Psychic game takes soooo long to play. We'll switch up the rules for 2009... so you'll want to be here in early April when we start playing again. But, yes, with yesterday's Oscar nominations, we have to wrap up this year's game. I've added +1 point for anyone who had predicted Nicole Kidman (Australia) on their ballot -- I forgot her box office points -- and I thought I'd have to add a +1 box office point for Meryl Streep for Doubt but she's just shy of the $ requirement prior to the nominations... so, nope.

I must reiterate again that I'm amazed at how well so many people did this year guessing the Actress Oscar race a whole year in advance. Many contestants guessed 3 nominees and a few even guessed 4 correctly. The collective April prediction --all your guesses pooled -- ended up going 2/5 with the eventual Oscar nominees for Best Actress or 2.5/5 if you allow for the Winslet goof (most candidates chose Revolutionary Road as her prime Oscar pony)

New Points
Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married + 35 points
+25 Oscar nom + 5 first time nominee + 3 appears on less than 25% of the submitted contest entries + 2 her film's only nomination
Angelina Jolie
, Changeling + 23 points
+ 25 Oscar nom -2 previous winner
Melissa Leo, Frozen River + 37 points
+25 Oscar nom + 5 first time nominee + 2 early opening + 2 nominated for a film that grossed less than $3 million + 3 appears on less than 25% of the submitted contest entries [Editors note: Only one contestant predicted this Frozen River nomination back in April so a huge round of applause for Daequan please.]
Meryl Streep, Doubt + 18 points
+25 Oscar nom -5 appeared on more than 75% of your ballots -2 previous winner
Kate Winslet, The Reader + 26 points
+25 Oscar nom + 3 appears on less than 25% of the submitted contest entries -2 fifth nomination or higher


Which means the winner of the contest and our Gold Medalist Actress Psychic is... (drumroll please) Rich Aunt Pennybags who guessed 4 nominees correctly (and the fifth was a near miss). The Silver Medalist is KiYe (who only guessed 3 Oscar nominees but had not one dud candidate on the psychic ballot, in other words: all five choices were in the race till the very very end, collecting points) and there's a tie for the bronze between Ben F & Patrick T. who each guessed 4 correctly but had a dud spot on their ballots. Click here for more details of the contest (like which Actresses were worth the most points all told), how your point totals stack up and what these four winners win.