Friday, January 9, 2009

That "Tie" @ the BFCA Show

So here's the moment you're all talking about even if you didn't see it. Two Best Actress winners: Anne Hathaway winning for Rachel Getting Married and Meryl Streep for Doubt, with the wondrous Viola Davis expressing proxy gratitude and having fun, too.

I love the cutaways to Angelina Jolie because you can make up all sorts of unintentional fictional narratives (Evil Angie is pissed. Demur Princess Anne sees it and apologizes. Angie Still Pissed!) by projecting any emotion you'd like to onto Jolie's "I am a Goddess!" marble bust routine*. Loves it.

Bonus points: Every sentient being knows that Meryl Streep gives the best awards show acceptance speeches in the known universe so isn't it a riot that even when she's not there she ends up providing one of the best speech moments?

So, though I never in my life thought I'd hold up the BFCA show as a lesson to the Oscars --all of my qualms about them still stand: their show feels forced (Globe wannabe), the stars don't always show, terrible "host" decisions, weird categories that shift to honor something they want to honor [cough *new action film prize / TheDark Knight*] , and that embarrassing tendency to negate their own worth by downplaying criticism with their "we're just like you, everyone is a critic" montages and vocal "we predict the Oscars!" pride -- I do think the Oscar producers/directors would do well to note that what people care about @ awards shows is the celebrities and their emotional moments. How can you get this much drama and enjoyable narrative out of 45 second speeches with the orchestra interrupting them? You can't. Unless every winner is as quick witted and old pro cool as Meryl Streep. They aren't.

Are you listening Bill Condon? Kill two or three of the usually five or six montages/tributes, kill any musical numbers that don't double as awards/category spotlights (obviously leave in the Best Songs and let Hugh Jackman have a short song & dance moment). You'll suddenly have enough time to let the winners cry/shake/laugh/freak out and eventually get to their coherent thank yous and thoughts.

Later today: Golden Globe predictions and more FB Awards
Also: the winner's list and that embarrassing Katy Perry moment

* Angelina's cool goddess pose transfers off the red carpet. It's been 491 days since she looked at me. I'm actually surprised I didn't spontaneously combust right then and there.