Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Actress Red Carpet Lineup

Combine all of this year's Best Actress Nominees into one woman and you've got a 5'7" American beauty (maybe she's a wiz at a British accent?) who is about to turn the big "4-0". She's involved in some sort of sketchy situation involving a young boy of indeterminate age --either he's dead, abused, missing, resentful or she's sleeping with him! Maybe more than one of those things. The trouble this composite actress gets into! Such a Drama Queen.

Hand her an Oscar.

That Academy will arguably choose only between SAG winner Meryl Streep in Doubt and Double Globe Girl Kate Winslet in The Reader. But you can choose between all five in the new Best Actress Poll. It's not a prediction, it's your preference. You'll also find statistics and 'how'd they get nominated?' conjecture, there.

For the other three the pressure is probably off. They just have to look good @ the Kodak. Melissa Leo cleans up really well from her screen self -- a dirt poor trailer park girl with a dream (that sounds soooo familiar in the context of the Oscars. Who could I possibly be thinking of?) . In the fictional narratives that we favor here in the Red Carpet Lineup series, it looks like Anne Hathaway and Angelina Jolie are BFFs now... they made up after that unfortunate death glare situation @ the BFCAs. Oscar dreams no longer divide them.