Friday, January 30, 2009

New in Town?

<-- Oh Z!, be careful what you ask for

Received on my iPhone from my favorite anonymous "txt critic" who was unusually verbose this time.
Okay, chalk it up to bottom of the barrell expectations, but I thought New in Town was fine. Really.

I can't see it making even the least discriminating housewive's favorites list, but it was totally watchable, cute, pleasant. And dare I say it, I found Miss Z not annoying/false for the first time in 5-6 years.

I swear to god. I mean, it wasn't good! But it went down easy.
Curious. And I think that's a recommendation... of some alien thumbless kind. What say ye readers, should I give her another chance? Dare I step into the movie theater for this one and report back? I'll count up the yays and nays and act according to your collective will. (eep)