Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Joy of Imaginary Oscar Ballot Filling. My Vote For "Best of the Year"

I'm just a broken down piece of meat
Today, post-inauguration, I was suffering from a wicked hangover (I blame Katey) so I felt as old as "Randy the Ram". But you always have to get back into the ring. Especially if you're a one trick pony and it's all you know how to do. I had to get back in my ring (movie awardage). I've been doing it so long I think I'd feel empty without it.

The Oscar nominations are announced tomorrow and, as is this site's tradition, that means all the nominees for the traditional categories in my own prizes, the Film Bitch Awards, had to be announced today. (If you're a new reader, check out last year's)

I never know quite how they're going to turn out while I'm doing them. I didn't really expect WALL•E to lead but it has. It has 9 nominations in total. Rachel Getting Married and The Wrestler are tied for the runner up spot with 7 nominations each. Oscar's presumed nomination leaders The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire only ended up with 4 between them (oops) which is lower than I assumed it would be though Milk and The Dark Knight (two other AMPAS hot topics) did well with 6 nominations each. That number will sound low to Oscar watchers but double digit tallies are rarer here since I like to give credit where it's due... which is usually all over the place.

This was difficult to wrap up since Costume Design and Cinematography were the last to be posted and I love both crafts dearly. Would I end up honoring Cate Blanchett's red dress in Button or Poppy's huge boots in Happy-Go-Lucky or maybe Carrie Bradshaw's giant flower ensembles from Sex & the City? None of the above as it turned out which surprised me. But I couldn't go without Julianne Moore's carnal and brutal wardrobe in Savage Grace (that bloody dress -gah!) And, even though I didn't love Australia (my review) I found ways to still appreciate. There's so many talented people working in the movies so here's to: Pin Bing Lee, Chris Menges, Maryse Alberti, Michael O' Connor, Danny Glicker and the other newly announced FB nominees.

Enjoy! (Medalists will be announced in February)

Page 1: Best Picture, Director and Screenplays
Page 2: Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress
Page 3: Visual Technical Categories
Page 4: Aural Technical Categories (and the nomination tallies)
