Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pillar of Link

Oscars, Globes and Year in Review
The Feinberg Files on Oscar's foreign film shortlist and that Gomorra snub
Wall Street Journal good article on Slumdog's Co-Director and why she isn't getting any awards attention while Danny Boyle is drowning in it. (Thanks to David, for pointing it out)
Everything Oscar Andy shares his own hypothetical ballot
In Contention my favorite annual thing at IC, "top 10 shots" of the year
MNPP "the golden trousers" actresses of 2008 -- way crazier than Oscar ballots
MTV Movies Drew Barrymore's coiffure at the Globes. It's Ferrari's fault!
Pop Matters top 20 female performances of '08

The Biz
Coming Soon Samuel L Jackson might not reprise his Nick Fury role. Did Marvel notice that he's in every franchise and if you want your franchise to stand out... maybe no Sammy? This is along the same lines of if you have a suspicious/slimeball/annoying neighbor/coworker/troublemaker you don't really have to cast Stephen Tobolowsky or Danny Huston every time. Just a thought. Spread the wealth, Hollywood. There are more than 36 actors in the world looking for work.
The Carpetbagger updates us on the SAG negotiations. Will there be a strike?
Variety & MTV Andrew Stanton's (WALL•E) future project John Carter of Mars. Hells, yeah

Flickers on Derek Jarman's fascinating Sebastiane. God, I haven't seen that movie in forever. Tilda Swinton would be proud if you put it on your rental queue.
Hell on Frisco Bay is doing a cool roundup of top ten lists that are about revivals screened this past year "I only have two eyes 2008" -- some good rental ideas here.