Sunday, January 25, 2009

SAG Live Blogging (Part 1)

7:03 or thereabouts. The first star I see is The Lovely Laura Linney so I know this night is going to be special. [and by special I mean bearable]

Her dimpled cheeks are so wholesome they're hypnotic. The mere mortal she speaks with probably doesn't feel condescended to at all when Laura drops the name of her friends.

What is TLLL looking forward to?
I'm thrilled to be able to grab Kate Winslet for a second, grab my friends, say 'hi'
If you were close enough to grab KATE WINSLET, would "hi" be your first choice of words? Something less intelligible would spill out, I suspect.

7:15 Melissa Leo looks super happy and the dress is great. But I'm already worried for Princess Anne (Hathaway), who, didn't look so cheery when the camera caught her. She walked with head down. Did that Golden Globe Kate fest crush her Oscar dream?

Maybe "hi" wouldn't be the first thing she said to Kate Winslet, either.

7:18 Evan Rachel Wood is really proud of her shoes. If I were a drag queen I totally would be too. I was Once a major ERW cheerleader and I hope to be so Again. Did you catch that wordplay. yuk yuk. I'm on fire tonight. (special = bearable! remember it. It'll help you get through, too)

My favorite moment of the night has already occured. It shan't be beat, I swear it. The E! girl (I can't be bothered remembering her name Guilisomething?) is trying to "connect" to Angelina Jolie who has deigned to descend from the heavens to speak with her. So she's nervous and so she's going on and on about how amazing Brad Pitt is and she says to Angelina, and I quote:
There's nothing sexier or more heartwarming than seeing a man who is good with children. Would you agree about that?
Angelina -- and this wouldn't even be worth capturing in a screen shot it's so tiny and perfect -- says... nothing. She merely almost imperceptibly nods and lets out a little hum/sigh.

Perhaps she's wondering why the reporter hasn't yet spontaneously combusted.

7:50 Every actor who ever plays gay needs to take lessons from James Franco about how to handle the inane media questions about it. The reporter is trying to ask him which is harder, pretending to be high onscreen (Pineapple Express) or to pretend to be in love with Sean Penn (Milk). Franco's reply...
I... I don't know. In life I am in love with Sean and I don't smoke weed.
I love it. Franco is like this year's James Marsden right? He was once kinda not really ascending as a star and then, in one year, he just proved there was so much more charisma and A list within him. I love him. Love him with me in the comments. Free Love!

8:05 They just finished that "I am an actor" part. It wasn't as good as that time (last year?) when Jane Krakowski said "I'm Johnny Depp and I am an actor". But then few things are as good as the time when Jane Krakowski did them.

8:06 Tina Fey won "Only Actress in a TV Comedy". There's only her right? She's the only thing I remember about 2008. She even ran for public office. Her co-star Alec Baldwin won the corresponding award for people with penises.

8:09 Dev Patel and Frieda Pinto are trotted out to introduce Slumdog Millionaire. They didn't waste any time. Dev & Frieda both look really cute and the crowd loves them and I'll be TOTALLY nice to them tonight.

unless they win
8:21 There's a montage now. I'm glad I'm recording it because I need to watch it again to understand properly. It's called "trailblazers" which seems to be another word for famous people in famous movies. And that's not what I thought that word meant so I need to be schooled.

8:26 The Boyfriend says "we're half an hour into the show and only 30 Rock has won anything" Unfortunately Jane Krakowski spoils my 8:05 compliment above with a bad joke. Yeah, the Ally McBeal cast was emaciated. We remember. I don't think Sally Field at the Brothers & Sisters table thought that was funny. Neither did I.

<--- 8: 28 Marisa Tomei jostled by someone's mink.

Hey, it doesn't happen every day.

8:30 BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS is... Kate Winslet in The Reader. I'm not including a picture because Marisa Tomei's fur collision was more interesting.

Ponder that for a moment.

I love Kate Winslet so much. How did I ever become so jaded that I wouldn't enjoy seeing her win awards? Is it her dully sincere speeches or the inevitability of awards season?

8:53 House won Best Actor. Sally Field won Best Actress for Brothers and Sisters but the most important thing that happened in the past 15 minutes is that the camera went to Michelle Pfeiffer.

I imagine cameras are drawn there like moths to a flame. That's my cliche of choice. I couldn't think of a funny.

I'm spent (special!)

Sometimes I hate David E Kelley from stealing her away from her career to such an extent but then I remember that without him we'd probably never see her at these events and she's always there as the dutiful wife. Now if only he would make good television again instead of [shudder] Boston Legal. I hope she made him sleep on the couch on Monday nights.

8:55 Mad Men wins Best Ensemble for TV. Damn straight. Now if only the SAG voters will choose as well with the cinema. The correct answer is Milk people. Don't let me down at 10:00 PM

9:00 end of part one. here's part two.