Thursday, January 8, 2009

When is Chéri Coming Out?

If you're a Pfanatic like me you're probably anxious for any news of Michelle Pfeiffer's first truly exciting lead role in a decade (the last drama she herself carried was the hit thriller What Lies Beneath in 2000). Making Chéri even more special is that it's a romantic costume drama and she hasn't done one of those since Martin Scorsese's The Age of Innocence (1993).

Chéri, which briefly flirted with the idea of coming out in December 2008 along with 97 other movies, is now set for a UK release in March...much less crowded there. First release date announcements rarely hold so it probably doesn't mean much aside from the obvious, that the film is moving out of post-production and into the marketing/release/planning stage.

US bred Oscar watchers may blanch at the the notion of a spring release from the reunited Dangerous Liaisons team. Spring is no good for Oscar goes the groupthink. But even if this March UK release date sticks it's not neccessarily indicative of a lack of quality or faith. For one thing the UK isn't as beholden to December prestige glutting and some movies wait on the US release date even if they're opened everywhere else. Plus: the Best Actress category is statistically kinder to early year releases than any of the other top 8 Oscar categories.

Some of you may well be asking
Are you, life long Pfanatic, setting yourself up for disappointment expecting Pfeiffer to finally get her statue next year?
The answer is no I am not because I don't expect her to.

Though I fantasize about Pfeiffer winning the Oscar approximately every 5th hour of even numbered days in years with 12 months in them, I've never really expected it to take place past that dreadful 1989 loss. I am not expecting a podium moment for Chéri but a nomination sure would go a long way to helping me forgive the Academy for their relatively shabby treatment of one of the most important silver screen goddesses of all time. So I'll cross my fingers but expect Beelzebub to pick up a third for Amelia instead whilst Pfeiffer is snubbed. Prepare yourself for the worst and then celebrate if the fates are kinder than "worst".

Harumph! That isn't what I thought I'd learned from Happy-Go-Lucky and my Poppy obsession. Back to the drawing board for this eternal pessimist.