Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Near... Far... Wherever Links Are

Nerve charts the sexiness of the entire Terminator franchise
<--- Posterwire if you're in Southern California you'll want to check out this exhibit. Bob Peak's movie posters are a-ma-zing. The one to your left is for The Year of Living Dangerously (1983)
Gallery of the Absurd totally awesome "14" has a gallery show in June. Go! Her celebrity illustrations are so... gah
Guardian Charlie Kauffman considering a TV series. Is this a good idea?
/Film the voice of Mickey Mouse passes away. RIP

Towleroad Seattle International Film Festival gets the premiere of Johnny Weir documentary Pop Star on Ice

Michael Musto and TransGriot salute Octavia St. Laurent from Paris is Burning. She passed away a few days ago. R
IP Octavia. Boy did the Oscar documentary committee screw up in 1991 when they ignored both Paris is Burning and Madonna's Truth or Dare, two of the best docs of the entire decade. If you've never seen Paris... put it on your queues immediately.
Everything I Know... Phantom of the Opera sequel still going forward. NYC & London simultaneously next year (god help us all)

Outer Space
i09 offers 9 important lessons on how to turn robots evil

StarEast is Faye Wong planning a comeback? She hasn't made a film since Wong Kar Wai's 2046, five long years ago.

South of France
In regards to Cannes... I am not good with time zone issues. Every time I hear a story from Cannes I feel as if I've been sucked into a calendrical black hole in which no days of the month or time zones exist. Even clocks and hours have been eradicated. Everything is happening all at once and not at all since it's far far away. I totally don't know what day it is anymore and I'm not even there. I can't imagine how crazy it is in the heart of it. This is a long way of saying I'll address the film festival again tomorrow. Today has been... weird.