Monday, May 18, 2009

Ron Howard Cracked

Cracked takes on the oeuvre of Ron Howard with a flow chart (first half below).

I love that "still a true story?" gets looped until the answer is no. Hee. See the complete chart and article. It's funny stuff.

I'm perplexed that millions of people thought Angels & Demons might be worth seeing. I distinctly remember that people -- and quite a lot of them at that -- thought that The DaVinci Code* was, to put it nicely, "not good". Why is it that huge hordes of people can often be lured into sequels to movies they didn't love with much greater ease than they can be lured into acclaimed movies that they might actually love with a passion should they ever give them a chance? See also: The Blockbuster Loop.

*Full confession: I never saw the movie as I remain agnostic on Tom Hanks after all these years and am unfond of Howard's "serious" movies. But I did try to watch it at home a year ago, only to be completely horrified at how unwatchable it was. As in: much worse than I had originally suspected it to be. I think I lasted 30 minutes.