Monday, May 11, 2009

Renée is Glamorous?

I'm a little confused about why Renée Zellweger's publicist / management are working her so hard right now. There's no movie out. Is it to try and acclimate the media to the idea of loving her again, what with 3 films arriving this fall and 2 of them (My One and Only, My Own Love Song) supposedly acting showcases and thus... (gasp) Oscar possibilities? She's in the current Glamour magazine which purports to tell us who the 50 most glamorous women are. Zeéeee does not make the list despite being their covergirl. In the interview, she offers up this quote about what she's looking for in a man.
I'm looking for an encyclopedia and a dictionary. A bit of the Boy Scouts Handbook.
Um... Renée is looking for Professor Bertram Potts?!? 'Sugarpuss' O'Shea will not be pleased.

Zeéeee vs. Barbara Stanwyck? Zeéeee may be from Texas but Stanwyck was from Brooklyn, yo, and could pretend she was from the Southwest with the best of them. What a blood bath that would be.

Anyway... the 50 Most Glamorous Women of 2009. All magazine lists crack me up because they're always completely beholden to the "right now" and usually have very little connection to the title of their list. F'rinstance: I love Dame Kate Winslet as much as the next movie fanatic but she doesn't exactly scream "GLAMOUR!" to me. But since she just won the Oscar she has to be considered the most glamourous woman alive, right? Here's the top 12...
  1. Kate Winslet
  2. Anne Hathaway
  3. Michelle Obama
  4. Angelina Jolie
  5. Reese Witherspoon
  6. Jennifer Aniston
  7. Heidi Klum
  8. Scarlett Johansson
  9. Giselle Bündchen
  10. Penélope Cruz
  11. Beyoncé Knowles
  12. Natalie Portman
  13. Charlize Theron
  14. Halle Berry
  15. Cate Blanchett
Kate is a better actress than Penélope but no way is she more glamourous, you know? And Tina Fey and America Ferrera make the list, too. Basically it's a "most popular women" list. Lists have no meaning but they're addictive anyway, I confess. Here I am typing away about another inconsequential one.

Someone help meéeee.