Friday, May 29, 2009

Neil Patrick Harris Sing-Along Week

In my weekly column over @ Towleroad I've declared next week "Neil Patrick Harris Week"... pass it on! The hilarious Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (pictured left co-starring Nathan Fillion) comes to DVD on Tuesday* and then NPH hosts the TONY Awards on Sunday. He'll basically sing for you all week if you want him, too. The column also features a quick bit on two gay winners from Cannes, Bruce LaBruce's plan to make another explicit zombie picture and more...

*Apparently it was already on DVD but is being rereleased or released in some new way? DVDs schedules are making me crazy, lately. I can't keep track anymore... they're getting as convoluted as theatrical. How many versions and how many release dates can each movie / tv show have? And the press releases don't even mention the other releases. Ayiyiyiyiyi.