Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Based on a Link Story

the trailer
"Matt Damon in The Informant"

Oh and... Low Resolution is hosting a Trailer Tournament 'Best of the 00s'. Go and vote

the movies
AV Club 12 Things Woody Allen Just Doesn't Get (fun article, mostly spot on)
The Washington Post's Dan Zak gets a lengthy chat with Michelle Pfeiffer for Chéri. I should note that I have met and lunched with Dan so I knew this next bit of info was coming. "Pfans" are discussed though Michelle, ever the reluctant superstar, doesn't seem to know what they are. You mean she never checked out my "Pfandom" website in 1999? ;)
HitFix beautiful new teaser poster for Precious. How many is this film gonna get?
Movie|Line Stereotypes fears swirling round The Princess and the Frog
Let Me Entertain You names Ann-Margret (Tommy) the Best Actress of 1975

broadway baby
Avenue Q is closing in September (sniffle)
The Little Mermaid is closing in August (yay!)

intermission, bathroom break
Ephemerist Justin Bond 'the positive nihilist'. I love Ms. Bond so much. With great muches. Muchly
OMG Pina Bausch (Talk to Her) has passed away
Jane Fonda a thoughtful piece on her brief friendship with Michael Jackson and rehearsing for one's own death
hilarious article about a teenager giving up his iPod for a Walkman. Undoubtedly funnier if you remember Walkmans
I Need My Fix on Patrick Dempsey's second fragrance. I didn't know there was a first