Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lunch With... Colonel Hans Landa

It's Inglourious Basterds Day. Theme days until Hollywood's big night.

Lunch with new acquaintances should be fun if not entirely relaxing. You definitely want to get to know each other but still, it shouldn’t feel like an interrogation. Next time before accepting an “invitation” like Shoshanna did in Paris, you might want to reconsider. Not that she had much of a choice.

You’ve surely noticed that Landa’s refreshment breaks always involve dairy -- a glass of milk, a dollop of cream -- “Attendez la Crème!” But what makes this scene in Inglourious Basterds so amazing (it's my second favorite after this one) is that his amiability isn't sweet at all but curdled.

This strudel may well be delicious, but if your dining companion isn't what you'd hoped for you won’t have the appetite for it. Shoshanna doesn’t enjoy this one but at least she gets sweet revenge later on. Landa will get his just dessert.

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