Friday, October 3, 2008

Red Carpet Rendezvous

Who's been working the premieres and parties this week? Everyone. But I can only be bothered with real actors. So, every week I might just bring a few of them together for your quick perusal and judgment. The images have been scaled for the star's heighth because I am obsessed with such minutae, don'cha know.

There's Heather "Dawn Wiener" Matarazzo at a Rachel Getting Married event, Monica Bellucci (where she been?) at a D&G party in Milan, Michelle Williams at a Wendy & Lucy event (thoughts on that film coming soon), Rosario Dawson smashing in green at the red carpet for Eagle Eye, Robert Downey Jr & Rachel McAdams announce their presence in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes which will be turning its monocle and pipes at us sometime in 2010 (Jude Law will play dear Watson). Careful Rachel! We thought you were trying to avoid superstardom. RDJ's got that now and it might be contagious. TFE's imaginary group snapshot ends with the Amazonian Sigweavie, who casually attended that Rachel Getting Married screening.