Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm not trying to be coy...

...about which film wins my personal Best Picture prize for 2008. If you've been reading for the past three months, you'll have that figured out already.
But I'm guessing there's more than enough suspense within the other FB Award categories to keep you into it -- hell, there's even enough suspense for me... since 4th and 5th spots are still in flux in most categories. Hence, the blank pages. So as I finish write ups I'll be posting them. I've added notes on The Wrestler and Reprise on the top ten page. I've also posted a F.A.Q. for new readers (welcome! there's a lot of you) and/or forgetful ones and made sure the Oscar prediction pages were in order. A bit later I hope to throw up an entry into StinkyLulu's Supporting Actress Blog-a-Thon which is already a fun party. I was particularly enthralled by Stinky's brave props for a much maligned actress in a much maligned movie and the piece on Samantha Morton (Synecdoche New York). I don't care for that movie but I thought she was fan-tas-tic. I also recommend checking out interesting pieces on Catinca Untaru (The Fall) and Angelina Jolie (Wanted). But I must say "ARGH!" that category fraud happens even in this blog-a-thon. These are lead roles. Weirder still is that both articles justify this in the exact same super odd way by claiming, if I'm reading it correctly, that 'since the performance is successful... it's supporting!' Say whaaaaa?!? Well, I guess that's how the Oscars explain it too.

I hear new justifications for Oscar minded Category Fraud every year and they never convince me that the Protagonists are now Background Helpmeets. Joe warned me last night before we caught Valkyrie that I would one day have an aneuryism from taking movie award categories too seriously. He's right. So don't mind this unshaven crazy person in the corner (me) whispering "lead. lead. lead. LEAD. lead I say." to himself, whilst surrounded by shredded ticket stubs and madly scribbling on the walls. Today in a moment of attempted self-recovery and an olive branch to people who don't care about that line between Supporting / Lead I shall honor a woman who is kind of a lead when I post.