Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Programming Note ~ TFE in 2009

The next seven weeks are understandably heavy with Oscar stuff but we'll step away from that whenever possible for balance, this being the film experience rather than the oscar experience (though yes, I do lean gold/naked this time of year). So let's consider next week, January 11th~ 17th, premiere week.

Top Tens, Requests, Hotties, Best Pictures From the Outside In and Monologues return from hiatus. Inbetween or amongst them... continued Oscar brouhaha and weekly reviews (it's the one area this blog is lacking in and it's my New Year's Resolution to correct).

This week: An interview with Waltz With Bashir's Ari Folman, Play Time (1967), a review of Bride Wars and more FB Awards nominations.

$$$: There will soon be more ads on the site so please consider clicking on them, once they arrive. You'll notice that TFE has been mostly without but it's an impossibly to continue much longer without money coming in. If you're recession proof, please consider donating (see sidebar)

In the comments: Out of curiousity, which of the presumed Best Picture hopefuls this year do you think deserves more attention/review/indepth coverage here?