Thursday, June 18, 2009

Linking Center

This is cute but will surely offend the psychotically patriotic from any given country. Literal translations of flags from Pop Hangover.

Ah Grease, the great unifier. Everyone has seen it. I'm so glad there hasn't been a Grease 3 or a Grease Reborn... yet. I know they've threatened us with remakes in the past. Why bother? Shan't ever top Olivia + Travolta + Channing's "Rizzo". Sigh

Here's a possibly worthwhile event at Lincoln Center in July should you be in NYC. It's a movie discussion with multiple Oscar nominee Sidney Lumet (Network, The Verdict, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead) and his daughter screenwriter Jenny Lumet (Rachel Getting Married).

More Linkage
In Contention Alexander Payne to guest direct Telluride
Variety strike most of what I said in that last 'Sean Penn is so busy' post. He's pulling out of projects now, citing personal reasons... one suspects it's the continually off-again/on-again situation with the Mrs.
Getty Images Trend alert: snake charming on the red carpet
Topless Robot "The Greatest Megan Fox Pic of Our Times" pretty funny paparazzi shot. Tangent: I've never noticed that stupid Marilyn Monroe tat' that Megan sports on her right arm. Yeah, I guess I haven't been staring that closely. It's hard to miss.
Hobo Trashcan
Aaron Davis on the polarization of Tarantino perceptions

♫ I'm in the mood for love

Underwire Do we have any Pittsburgh readers in the house? If so, this new permanent exhibit roboworld looks worthwhile. Go. Return and report. P.S. 'tis only a shame that there's not a working replica of Gigolo Joe for purchase.
Hot Blog attacks Anne Thompson's summer box office lessons. I can't say I "enjoy" David Poland's habitual attacks on other film journos but he definitely makes good points in this article
Everything I know...
you've got less than two weeks to see August: Osage County on Broadway if you haven't already. More on this play that's becoming a movie next month before the national tour begins.