Sunday, June 14, 2009

Streep Tweets & Henry Wolfe

I know you Meryl Streep fanatics out there are getting tired of waiting for the "Streep at 60" pieces. I can only move at the speed at which I can move. My ideas are always larger than what can be shoved into my viewing/writing schedule. The retrospective is not going to end right on her birthday (June 22nd) so just enjoy as it comes. While you wait -- I'm working on the 1979-1981 movies at the moment -- please enjoy highlights from the past 48 hours of Streep related tweeting... stweeping? One of my favorite things to do on Twitter is just look up a phrase or name and see what complete strangers are saying about that topic. It's so random, weird and amusing ... so long as you can edit out the dull parts, which I've done for you!

I'll kick things off by stating the very very obvious.

My favorite tweet from that batch above is from sinistergiraffe, partially because I imagine Glenn Close has the exact opposite take on the actressing situation as is.

For the record, Don Cumming's A Good Smoke (today's reading) is about a mom (guess who?) who quits all her medication cold turkey and goes into severe drug withdrawal in a desperate ploy to wrestle back her family's attention. Gee... a narcissistic drug addled mom tormenting her daughter? I guess Meryl is already rehearsing for August: Osage County : The Movie !

Oh and here's the performance Meryl was watching yesterday in Williamsburg via L Magazine. That's her son Henry Wolfe strumming and singing. Beautiful song.