Friday, June 12, 2009

MOON (with and w/out spoilers)

This weekend's vodcast subject presented Katey and me with a problematic question.

How do you talk about Moon without spoilers?
A: Very carefully. And then you give up and bound across the moon's surface (spoilers) with a space suit on (i.e. ample warning about said spoilers... oh my mad skillz with analogies *snort*)

But if you can, see the movie first. Much to discuss. We might need to repost if Moon ever goes wide. It deserves to.

further reading:
Sci Fi Squad on writer/director Duncan Jones (Moon) five favorite science fiction films
Towleroad my short spoiler-free piece on Moon in case you missed it
Spout 10 Unhappy Astronauts in Movies
IFC's The Daily collects the reviews. And you'll definitely want to read a few after seeing the movie