Thursday, June 11, 2009

Moon and Without You I'm Nothing

If you'd like to read a short non-spoilery review for the new science fiction drama Moon, you can head on over to my weekly column at Towleroad. The film opens tomorrow. I don't advise reading many reviews of this one before seeing it because most critics (unlike myself) have absolutely zero issues with spoilers and there's a lot one can spoil beyond what's already given away in the film's trailer. I'll have more on Moon *with* spoilers in the next vodcast with Katey. We'll give you ample warning before the spoilers.

I'm also still buzzing from the Sandra Bernhard concert last night. It was a 20th anniversary-ish deal for her hit one woman show Without You I'm Nothing. I listened to the show recording constantly back then, fantasizing that I was there and that I lived in [cue affected bullhorn voice] NEW YORK CITY. Here's two new numbers from the show which is thankfully a mix of her classic show and new material: An odd take on Hole's "Violet" (love that song, don't you?) and the hilarious "Jolie", a reworking of Dolly Parton's "Jolene" for the world's most famous movie star couple
