Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Bye Bye Birdie... guess I'll always caaaAAAaaAAare"

If you've been following my Twitter Feed you know that I've had "Bye Bye Birdie" stuck in my head. And you also know why. So, today on the subway I made this "shrill" little iPhone drawing of the one & only Ann-Margret. It doesn't look like her exactly but I was drawing from memory... and the train was moving.
Bye Bye Birdie,
It's awful hard to bear;
Bye Bye Birdie
Think I'll always care,
Guess I'll always care,
Guess I'll always care!
Can I just say that it's hard to draw with sweaty fingers on an iPhone on a subway car in August. I felt like a giant finger painting on a postage stamp sized canvas. It wasn't meant to be this way! My finger has never felt like such a lumpy graceless thing as when I've tried to learn"Brushes" for the iPhone (like presumably many other people I was roped in by that New Yorker cover made entirely on an iPhone... remember that?).

What song is stuck in your head lately?
And do you ever doodle on your electronic devices?