Sunday, August 16, 2009

District 9 Vodcast Review

Didn't really mean to double up on vodcasting (vidcasting?) today but that's the way it shook out. Speaking of shaking things up....

District 9. And I don't just mean shaky-cam, though there's plenty of that. Films with no stars (unless you count producer Peter Jackson?) aren't really supposed to make the cover of Entertainment Weekly or win the box office (TBD) or be all the buzz rage. But I've now had two conversations with strangers in the past 48 hours about it. First, at a restaurant with the business men eating next to me and second, just now, as I ran into a friend with his friends who were on their way to it.

Everyone keeps asking "is it as good as they say?". I take it that the mythical "they" now means social media rather than critics. Or maybe it means "movie marketing department"? Though the movie is dangerously overhyped already, it's good. Katey liked it more than I but we both recommend. Minor spoilers ahead, though the big central twist is kind of given away in the trailer and in stills ... at least visually.