Monday, August 17, 2009

Gimme Basterds


JA from MNPP here, dipping my big toe (foot-fetish, how appropriate) into the waters of QT devotion here at The Film Experience. Quentin Tarantino's seventh film, Inglorious Basterds, opens on Friday and I find myself so excited I can hardly stand it. Way back at the start of the year we voted this movie #1 on our "We Can't Wait!" list for 2009, and for me it's pretty much remained way up tippy-top. I know some have waffled in their devotions after the buzz was mixed from Cannes and QT cut a bunch out and then the alternately silly and violent trailer turned some folks off... well silly and violent is pretty much my bag, so it only made me even more enthused.

Plus I realized the other day that I love every single movie Tarantino has ever made. Love. Yes even - especially - Death Proof.

But I thought we might gauge the passion you people are feeling. Because it's all for you, after all! So tell me how you're feelin', love.

