Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Think About Movies Too Much.

I do. There's something wrong with me.

<--- I saw this headline on MSNBC today and my mind literally launched into an instant (and instantly inappropriate) interior monologue
Why would people want to watch The Abyss when they're broke? James Cameron's movies always look so expensive. But I'm glad people are rediscovering it. It's so blue and tense and claustr
A second later I realized that I was thinking about Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (what happened to her?), mice who learn to breathe in water, Michael Biehn's moustache, serpentine watery intruders and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation instead of worrying about my fellow citizens and how they're going to pay their bills.

I think about movies all the time.

If you're reading I'm just assuming you have this problem, too. We're in it together and since nothing can be done we drink them up and learn to breath them in. There is no escape from this escapism.