Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Lovely Links

But first... The Lovely Bones trailer with intro by Peter Jackson. Are you counting down the days? Have you read the novel?

Does this make you more or less confident in regards to its Oscar and/or box office potential?


Cinematical Hugh Jackman to make a circus musical on P.T. Barnum. Anne Hathaway and Mika sought out for contributions? You don't say...
Only Good Movies picks 25 must see military themed pictures -- nice variety of genres represented here.
AV Club weighs in on the probably crappy GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra's decision to skip the usual screenings for critics. Nevertheless some critics in the fanboy community have seen it / like it. I wonder what will happen to film criticism in the long run now that the critical community is going to be even less diverse than it already was. Doesn't it seem like most people writing about movies these days are of the genre-loving geek variety? Nothing wrong with being a genre-loving geek but it doesn't seem like that makes for a good representative pool for critical discussions of film aesthetics you know? I'm just thinking out loud. Don't mind me.

/Films a new Little Red Riding Hood feature? Sure. Why not actually?
Pop Hangover
if plots reflected movie posters
Kirk Demarais offers up "family portraits" of movie clans. I love it though I would've chosen different families had I come up with the idea myself. Cursed self! Where are those ideas this month?
IndieWire Young Victoria to close Toronto. My god that movie is taking a long time to get to America
Kenneth in the (212) sticks it to the reliably dumbass "critic" Michael Medved in regards to those gay Sherlock Holmes rumors
Strange Culture looks at Oscar statistics regarding first time director nominations. Which newbies in the race this year do you think have the best shot?