Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Channing "Russell" Tatum

This just in: Channing Tatum to star in a remake of Gladiator. "That movie is so old" a studio executive whined, "Time for a reboot!" The star suggested bringing sexy (shaved head) back but producers felt his skull wasn't shaped enough like Russell Crowe's so a pseudo caesar haircut would have to do!

Actually it's a still from Tatum's 2010 release The Eagle of the Ninth. I have no idea what it's about (I have no time to read... especially when there are pretty pictures to look at!) but like Ridley Scott's Robin Hood trailer it wants to remind you of Gladiator in a big big way. Are you not entertained ........ by the bald great-by-association ploy? More pictures including a strapping Jamie Bell here.