Saturday, December 12, 2009


In case you're wondering... Golden Globe predictions tomorrow

Indie Wire the winners of the European Film Awards
Topless Robot Natalie Portman to produce and star in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Yes, they're making a movie from the gimmicky bestseller.
San Francisco Chronicle takes down Carey Mulligan and offers up Michelle Pfeiffer instead for Best Actress
YouTube toddler Hamlet with Brian Cox. So adorable

Anne Thompson on the f/x finalists for Oscar. She doesn't mention it but isn't it kind of weird that Peter Jackson's The Lovely Bones didn't make it. I guess a lot of people (not just me) really do dislike the movie.
Quiet Earth spotlights an interesting-sounding gay Latin film playing at Sundance this year
Critical Condition on Mo'Niques non-campaign campaign for Oscar
Boy Culture salacious Steve McQueen/Paul Newman quote. Whaaaa? I guess it'll sell books
Cinematical offers up an unexpectedly rich "what if" regarding David Lynch
Ebert's Journal a new feature "foreign correspondents" Ali on 24 Hour Party People

Parting gift: The Boyfriend sent this to me from Pharyngula and, though it's not movie-related, I laughed so hard that I had a spring in my step all morning so I had to share it. A flow chart of the gay marriage debate... click to embiggen.

So so funny. I especially love the 14th amendment bit and that the actual quotes (denoted by the asterisks) so perfectly illustrate the unholy but enduring marriage of stupidity, homophobia and pious religiosity. Why were those three temperaments allowed to get hitched? And in a church no less! Isn't marriage supposed to only be between one man and one woman?