Sunday, December 20, 2009

Linka Linka-Ma, GaGa Link La La

Popnography reveals the inspiration for Avatar. Hee!
/Film plays defense for the critical attacks on Avatar
Wordastic on the language of stressful holiday exchanges (with movie referencing)
Zach Young does a pretty great 2009 at the Movies montage but it's very very guy focused. Even when Nine enters in it's pretty much just DD-L
Culture Monster Annette Bening is really making a habit out of this Los Angeles stage star thing. Next up "Female of the Species" in February
Awards Daily "State of the Race" is Best Picture really anyone's game?
Cinematical For Your Consideration's post-nomination scene. I love it too. Catherine O'Hara is a genius. It's too bad about the rest of the movie though. Given the golden subject matter it should have been my favorite Christopher Guest movie but it's not even close.
In Contention Maggie Gyllenhaal switches to a "supporting" campaign for Crazy Heart. Wise move but I'm not rooting for her for once. I'll explain soon.
The Sheila Variations considers the creepy psychology of Sissy Spacek in Terence Malick's Badlands

Vogue Best Dressed of the Decade? Vote on the movie stars from each and every year. It's a trip through red carpet memory lane although they made some hideous choices, I must say
Boy Culture Matthew Goode for GQ
Everything I Know... on the worst stage musicals of the Aughts. Let's hope no one makes a movie of any of these.

Finally, Off Cinema, I'm absolutely loving this youtube original from the wonderful Amanda Palmer about the "pop music continuum". It's so generous of spirit and so dead right about the way people are always trying to tear female stars down. Boo! on the latter and Yay! on the former. Generosity of spirit forever. Here's "gaga, palmer, madonna"

And yeah, yeah, I do wish Madonna would try as hard with her music videos as she used to and as Lady Gaga now does (bless)... but generosity of spirit: think of all the mini movie musical masterpieces the big M has made over the past 25 years. If we can give Meryl props for letting loose and being silly we can also grant Madonna a few years of coasting through merely fun videos.