Saturday, December 19, 2009

Julianne Moore, Bird Woman

For no particular reason whatsoever, a Julianne Moore post!

Julianne may have just been snubbed by her fellow actors for a SAG nomination but the exotic animals still love her. As does her bank account.

Julianne Moore and cockatoo

Seems like she's always hawking some product. Remember Revlon and the Coach bags? Next up: Bulgari. She's worked for them before but a new campaign "eccentric charisma" is on the way. I can't even begin to summarize the press release but I must quote...
Julianne Moore's extraordinary combination of Pre-Raphaelite splendor, sharp intelligence and contemporary charisma was captured for the occasion by photographers Mert Alas & Marcus Piggot, who chose a setting with an Oriental flavor. Opulent and richly colored as an exotic boudoir, furnished with sumptuous pillows, plush brocades, purple satin and peacock feathers, this is the frame that transforms Ms. Moore's unique beauty into a contemporary odalisque - mysterious, luminous and sophisticated. The utterly unexpected presence of exotic animals underscore her irresistible eccentricity and a temperament that defies all preconceptions.
That's what called "laying it on thick" yes? So so many adjectives. But she deserves them all.