Saturday, March 6, 2010

Don't Go Anywhere!

It's the day before my favorite holiday of the year (OSCARS!) and I immediately start worrying about a post-Oscar hemorrhaging of readers. There's more to The Film Experience than Oscar... though we admit to getting completely carried away this time of year.

Returning soon... (or so goes the plan... I think I've worked out scheduling kinks) April Showers, Best Pictures From the Outside In (next up: The Lost Weekend and *shudder* Dances with Wolves), Mad Men @ the Movies and the too-long neglected Personal Canon and Streep @ 60. Okay so even if I only get half of that done, that'll be awesome!

Plus the usual frequent doses of random cinematic musings, contests, actresses, interviews and new movies. Stick around and stay noisy. We love a rowdy comment section. Am also toying with the idea of a return to the Reader Request but let's see how the relaunch of these old favorites goes first.