Friday, February 22, 2008

Film Bitch Award Medals Are Here

Under the heading of better late than never, I've finally ironed out the rankings in my (previously alphabetical) top ten list and given out the medals in all 3,079 FiLM BiTCH categories. I'm exaggerating on the numbers but sometimes it feels... excessive. (Yes, that's a nice way of putting it.) I often wish I didn't give medals at all because I always want to reevaluate or switch the colors later on. And really, it's a cliché but it's true: the nomination is the reward.

No Country For Old Men took home the most prizes (a medal in every category it was nominated in, friendo) but in the end I opted for Blood for my Best Picture prize. There will be gold medals.

It's peculiar how years go. Last year my two favorites were Marie Antoinette and Volver -hardly consensus choices. For what it's worth, I might switch their gold and silver status if I had it to do over again but neither of them were widely awarded and acclaimed films. This year my top two also happened to be the critical consensus. Funny how it's so much easier for the indisputably "masculine" movies to win mass critical favor, isn't it?"I wonder why that is?", he asks facetiously...

See TFE's own awards starting with best picture
How many medals for each film? the final tallies
Readers choice polls were also closed and you can see your communal Oscar favorites here. You win a gold star on your forehead for loving Tilda Swinton as much as me but a slap on the wrist for not rallying for Darling Julie.

Predictions from the participants in the Oscar Symposium are finally all posted and complete
And if you're just joining us, my final Oscar Predictions are here