Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday Top Ten

The boyfriend is obsessed with politics. I am not. Frankly, they terrify me. Mostly because the past eight years have made me into a huge pessimist: the theocrats will destroy us all!

Unlike many other people, according to the television at least, I am an atypical person: I don't get all dreamy about candidates who share my views. I'm suspicious of almost anyone who runs for office. I don't mean that in the cliché way of "all politicians are crooks" but in the way that they never fail to disappoint me. They almost always try to convince me that they're not actually politicans (as if anyone is above the fray) and that irks me to no end. You are what you are. Embrace it. Don't try to sell me a dream when I already know about reality. Just explain it to me. If you're trying to glaze my eyes over with misty hope, I'm not impressed. My eyes don't go misty unless there's a cute kitten involved or a particularly good close up of a great actress. Just tell me your plans for the nation.

But that's me. It's politics so your mileage may vary. And I don't even know if I'm making any sense. I'm very sick with the flu. So here's ten movies in no particular order that I love --these are off the top of my head and all are about politics or have political elements.

Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939) -OK James Stewart is allowed to well my eyes up with optimistic tears but nobody in the real world, please. damn con artists.
Wag the Dog
(1997) -the film at which I met the boyfriend. No joke
Bulworth (1998) -Warren Beatty is genius
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) -Angela Lansbury is brilliant
Doctor Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Peter Sellers is hilarious
Three Kings (1999) David O'Russell, please stop waiting so many years inbetween films. I know they're "difficult" for you. But do it for the audience. We need your unique voice.
Coming Home (1978) which I've written about here
Election (1999) Pick Flick. I know I do

And though the list wasn't in any order and was totally off the cuff, the number one will always be Nashville (1975) because there is just no movie like it. It meanders with startling precision and pinpoints with fuzzy glee and... and... and I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore (I'm sick with the flu! I think I mentioned this to u) but I just know that when I watch it I feel thrilled in that electric way I only feel when I'm watching a true masterpiece.
You may say that I ain't free.
It don't worry me
Which political movies move you?
(And please don't get sick with the flu)