Saturday, February 9, 2008

Octogenarian Oscar Voters

I've heard about the Reel Geezers show on YouTube before, movie reviews by a pair of 80somethings Marcia & Lorenzo. But I hadn't known until watching their Oscar special that they're Academy members, too. I loved this two part episode because it gives you a peak into their voting thought process and both confirms suspicions we always hear about voting (making people wait for it til they're older, personal taste trumping critical thought, etcetera) and denies them (they don't seem to have a sentimental pull towards Holbrook or Dee and when it comes to voting without seeing the movies: Marcia is not going to do it)

People more inside than myself always say that attending the events and schmoozing with the voters is more crucial than anyone on the outside realizes when it comes to campaigning for the nominations and gold --people have told me this is why nothing happened for Joan Allen in The Upside of Anger in 2005, despite a weak year she just wasn't around, shaking hands for it --so I loved this tidbit on Julie Christie in Away From Her
Marcia: ...Julie Christie in Away From Her
Lorenzo: I think she gives a fantastic performance...and also so different from the way she used to be in -- this wonderful young thing...
Marcia: Darling
Lorenzo: Darling when she was Warren Beatty's girlfriend and all that stuff. I mean she has --she's run the gamut. And one thing I have something. A personal disclosure: Recently she was my dinner partner at a small dinner
Marcia: mm-hmm
Lorenzo: I was so awed by it that I drank too much wine and don't remember what I said.
Marcia: [giggles]
Lorenzo: And so I'm certainly very happy to vote for her.
Marcia: Very good.
Lorenzo: I find her absolutely...
Marcia: She'd be thrilled to know that....
Lorenzo: She'd be thrilled to know that.
Marcia: ...that you were that drunk that it made the difference for her.
Lorenzo: Exactly. She's something. Like a creature come down from heaven.
Marcia: [giggles]
Lorenzo: But anyway I'm going to vote for her [to camera] "Hi Julie!"
Marcia: Listen, I loved her performance. I thought it was great. I'd like to vote for everyone on this list.
It was also fascinating to note their devotion to Michael Clayton. They don't seem all that excited about No Country For Old Men or There Will Be Blood... and even after they both rave about Cate Blanchett in I'm Not There they say they're both voting for Tilda Swinton. Final note: Marcia is still upset that Diving Bell and Butterfly didn't get nominated. Watching this little show reminds us that Oscar voters are in some ways just like Oscar fans --they play favorites, they bitch about the snubs, they shake their heads at Oscar's past bungles. Twenty-eight years later, Marcia would like you to know that she's still pissed that Raging Bull lost Best Picture.