Friday, March 13, 2009

Gwyneth Loves Actresses / Sofia Loves Vampires

We have something in common with Gwyneth Paltrow. I use the term "we" because I assume if you're a regular Film Experience reader you are at least partially actress cuckoo. Turns out Gwynnie is too. In a recent GOOP newsletter whilst talking about her taste in film she says...
The films I love best usually contain a breathtaking female performance (The Reader, Sophie’s Choice, Klute), as the genius of a creative woman inspires me in all areas of my life.
That's so gushy/lifestyle guru of her but it's tough to argue with that sentiment. Plus, the latter two of those performances I'd rank in the top ten of all time I suspect, should I ever make such a list.

Oh. Um... distracted by the actresses was I.

The article is actually about five DVD rental suggestions straight from five famous film directors and you can read the whole thing here. (Thanks to BSLS for pointing it out)

James Gray (Two Lovers) recommends Rocco and His Brothers which I have sitting at my desk right here from Netflix (coincidence!), Jon Favreau recommends Kung Fu Panda (which his son likes more than Iron Man. Hee). But my favorite of the recommendations is Sofia Coppola's thumbs up for Let The Right One In.

That makes perfect sense, if you think about it for a few seconds. Let The Right One In favors lonely, dreamy, haunting moods and obsesses over an isolated girlcreature... its just like a Sofia Coppola movie!

Minus Kirsten Dunst, plus snow and bloodlust.