Sunday, March 29, 2009

How I Felt / How I Almost Feel

As sung by the most talented person in the known universe, Meryl Streep.

I'm not about to expire like pathetic homeless Helen Archer... (that was how I felt yesterday) but I'm quite ready for this spring flu to leave me be. Like Suzanne Vale I'm ready to move on from this particular heartbreak.
I ain't gonna live on lonely street no more,
no more *prrphrphrph*

Coming in June: When I listed my 20 Favorite Actresses a few months ago I posted a poll asking which actress you'd most want to see a retrospective of. You voted for Streep by a wide margin. So June will be Meryl Streep Month up in here. She's turning 60 (so hard to believe, right?) and we'll look back on several of her films.