Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hump Day Hottie - Battlestar's Beefcake

JA from MNPP here, taking on the pick of this week's "Hump Day Hottie" at Nat's request. Whomever will I choose? The wheel spins round and round... okay not really. If you've ever been to MNPP this won't come as a shock - especially over the past few weeks as the show's been coming to a close - but I'm a bit preoccupied with the TV program called Battlestar Galactica. I know that Nat loves the show too, and has even given HDH status to Starbuck from the show before, so it seemed appropriate that here, in these last few hours before the show ends, to give some exploitative props to the men of the show, who've so far gone brutally ignored here at TFE (while I've all but wallpapered the internet with their various body parts for years).

top to bottom: Tahmoh Penikett as Captain Karl 'Helo' Agathon
James Callis as Dr. Gaius Baltar
Jamie Bamber as Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama
Michael Trucco as Ensign Samuel Anders

These are of course just four of the show's fellows... I coulda shoulda given some love to Chief or Hot Dog or Gaeta (I know a lot of people love Felix... I am not one of those people) or Tigh (poor grizzled hateful Tigh) or even Adama (he makes President Roslin's eyes light up), too... alas, the constraints of time and space and my own brittle patience were too great...

So, you see, besides all that intelligent junk about reflecting the world we live in now back at us through the prism of science fiction and what-not and what-have-you, BSG also succeeds as a veritable smorgasbord of hot asses. Hooray! Everybody wins. God I will miss this damn show!

ETA I forgot Callum Keith Rennie as Leoben,
and that cannot stand. Hot.

But finally, I must dedicate this post
to my dear beloved boy Billy...
