Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stone Cold Linker

Silver Screen
The Big Picture still waiting on the (nonexistent) trailer for Avatar.
Do You Have a Flag? remembers The Virgin Suicides. Mmm, pretty pictures.
Big Screen Little Screen Melissa Leo going back to series television.
MNPP James Franco (I nearly spit out my coffee. LOL)
Should Julia Roberts get a restraining order?

Film Addict remembers Ruth Chatterton in Dodsworth. Dodsworth is one of my all time favorites. For some reason I have yet to surmount my block about writing it up.
/Film is Skarsgård picking up Thor's hammer? And do we need a Thor movie? Remember how that little girl in Adventures in Babysitting was obsessed with the Norse god and how totally random and weird that was?
Oscar and the City reveals his "most anticipated performances" list.
The Inciting Incident How cool must it be to be a Pixar intern? I imagine very.
Disney Blog Seems The Princess and the Frog is doing a limited Thanksgiving wide mid- December release so favored by live action prestige pictures. Curious.

Precious Box
Apparently Taylor Kitsch is sick of providing beefcake for Friday Night Lights (Not to worry. Riggins is about to graduate and become "Gambit")
EW Friday Night Lights might get a 4th and 5th season. If it comes to pass I will explode with happines. Quick show of hands in the comments please. How many of you watch it? And if you do, how much do you love Connie Britton? So EMMY worthy! Between ignoring both her and the women of Galactica for years it's quite possible that EMMY voters officially have the worst taste in actresses of any organization that's ever existed. They'll have another chance to fix this in July, but they love to repeat their mistakes.
LA Times I never thought I'd be linking to an American Idol piece again (I've been over that show since as long as I can remember) but this is a fairly interesting piece about the show's deep homophobia and racial comformity issues. They'll never have to correct any of their sins against society (i.e. their devoted audience) with the ratings they get, though. Sad but true.