Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Banner: Reader's Choice

This week's banners are brought to you by Film Experience reader The Medwenitsch from Austria. He won the "bad movie mommy / good movie mommy" contest two weeks back. The rotating banner will feature some of his favorite contemporary movie characters. I'll let him explain:
Right now I'm inspired by the passage of time, how every generation is different from "the one" before but still influenced by everything that came before it. In twenty or thirty years it's history and we will look at it like we now look at the 70s or the 60s. Our parents will be dead, and we will be left, retelling history, our youth, namely the 90s and later the Aughts: Britney Spears, 9/11, the financial crisis and other crises the media tells us we should worry about, no gay marriage everywhere in the western world, oversexualized media and so on. Things that are completely "normal" for us now will be like things we hear from our grandparents... This completely freaks me out right now (in a good way) though it's very difficult for me to express in english.

So the banner will be characters from contemporary films which kind of deal with my generation (people born in the 80s or 90s)
I am happy to oblige! It is definitely fascinating to ponder what future generations will make of current times and to wonder which movies, stars, film characters will still be touchstones decades later and which will feel totally alien like 'People used to relate to / love this? Why???' I mostly used Medwenitsch's ideas for characters but feel free to share your own contemporary touchstone characters in the comments.