Monday, April 28, 2008

Before You Die, Uma Thurman's Career Flashes Before Your Eyes

Having never had a near-death experience, I have no idea how true it is that your life flashes before your eyes before you die. But given my actress, um, proclivities I wouldn’t be surprised if before I die, Uma Thurman’s life flashes before mine. She’s long been a divisive actress but whatever her flaws, she’s easy on the eyes.

Uma Thurman, even prettier than flowers. Well done God.

If one were feeling generous one could say roughly the same thing about her latest showcase, the drama The Life Before Her Eyes. It doesn’t want for surface beauty. But let’s set generosity aside, beauty being skin deep.

The Life Before Her Eyes is based, faithfully I hear, on the acclaimed novel by Laura Kasischke. It’s the story of two teenage girls whose lives are interrupted by a high school shooting. This might read like a spoiler but it’s early in the picture: the girls are trapped at gunpoint by a murderous classmate and asked to decide who should live and who should die. It’s a Sophie’s Choice moment but since it’s the kick off point to the story it lacks the potency of that wrenching reference point. The story splits itself in two, following one of the girls (Diana) as both an adolescent in the days before the shooting and as an adult still suffering survivor’s guilt and depression as the 15th anniversary of the shooting approaches...

Read the Full Review @ Pajiba