Thursday, April 10, 2008

There Will Be First Viewings

I neglected to mention Tuesday that P.T. Anderson's epic There Will Be Blood is now on DVD. That event easily dwarfs the other new releases (awards season non-starters like Reservation Road and Lions for Lambs). Those of you about to fall under its antisocial mesmerizing spell for the first time will certainly want to read about it --if you haven't already spoiled the whole strange thing with a solid 4 months of hype to maneuver yourself around.

It sat atop my top ten list and won 7 gold medals at the Film Experience's annual awards jamboree: Picture, Actor, Adapted Screenplay, Cinematography, Art Direction, Original Score and Line Reading.

If you're seeing it for the first time this week, by all means speak up. If you're seeing it again and have something new to work out, feel free...